Archive for March, 2008

Quick Durin update

March 28, 2008

In honor of getting what appears to be my 3rd or 4th reader, I figured I’d make this entry a shout-out to Durin.  PT’s home now, although I had to wait over 6 hours from the time he was supposed to be discharged, to the time that he was finally able to leave.  I brought along his PSP to help entertain me, but my patience only lasts so long, and the agonizing wait caused me to find new ways to entertain myself.  That included: Stealing hospital socks, stealing rubber gloves, inflating a glove into a beach ball, trying to fit a glove over my head and then inflate it, playing with PT’s new cane, balancing his cane on my toe/nose/forehead, balancing the cane on my knee with counterbalances consisting of a pitcher and breathing measurer on either side, making impromptu squirt guns out of syringes, and watching about 2 straight hours of People’s Court knock-offs. 

Not only did I hardly get any sleep last night, but I was unable to nap while waiting at the hospital.  This would normally mean a nap in the evening, but Tommy called last night while PT and I were watching the Pens game at the hospital.  Apparently, Tommy planned on staying the night at PT’s.  I asked him if PT knew about this, and while hearing the garbled answer which amounted to “not yet,” I looked over and saw the fear register in PT’s eyes.  I handed the phone to PT, and silently gave him my sympathies.  See, Tommy is headed to Nashville this weekend, and figured it’d be easier to stay at PT’s, then head to the airport tomorrow morning.  He told PT that while he was down there, Steve’s ex-wife was taking him to some party and would introduce him to a few of her friends.  Tommy then told PT that he planned on meeting one worth a couple million, hitting it off, then marrying her and getting a nice prenuptial agreement signed.  Right…because he’s just THAT damn smooth that he can pull it off.  I’m not saying her friends can’t be approached.  I know for a fact that they can.  However, there’s a big difference between me hooking up with one of her bridemaids a while back, and Tommy getting hitched based on a short, 2-day weekend.  Then again, this is the same guy that uses the phrase, “When I hit the lottery…” about 6 times a day, so hoping against hope shouldn’t surprise me.

I knew this was going to be a long day, because Tommy can tire a person out quicker than anything.  When the person is already tired, this is a deadly combo.  I don’t know how to explain it – he literally sucks the life out of you.  As soon as he got to PT’s (for some reason, he went to the nearby restaurant first, and left a voicemail that he was there and he’d see me there.  I guess I was supposed to get him or something?  I ignored it, of course, and waited till he buzzed the intercom.  Why, I have no idea, as he has a key to get in the lobby.)  Once he got in the apartment, he was talking a mile a minute about NOTHING.  He mainly bitched about work, and felt the need to comment on anything and everything.  PT was in pain as it was, so this was clearly annoying him no end.  Tommy has no concept of other people needing downtime.  Even when my mother called, Tommy kept trying to comment on the one side of the conversation he heard. 

 He DID buy KFC tonight, so I’ll cut him some slack.  Still, his thought process is a bit weird.  He actually left the apartment because he saw a parking space open up out front.  He went to his car, drove around the block, then parked in that spot.  He then came back up.  I guess this is to get out of here easier tomorrow (which I’m all for), but he really caused himself more hassle than if he had just walked to his car where it was, tomorrow.  He’s now presumably passed out on an air mattress in the living room. 

 In other news, I’ll be heading home for the first time in a while tomorrow.  I’ll head back up after the soccer game on Sunday, and then who knows when I’ll be back home again.

Happy Zombie Jesus Day, and PT updates

March 23, 2008

I guess it’s been a bit since I updated.  I added a few quick comments to let the 2 or 3 readers know what was going on, but I ought to do it in an official post.

PT’s big gay liver is hooked up, and seems to be working well.  I went to visit him in the ICU right after the surgery, and man – he looked like hell.  He had tubes coming out of everywhere, and was unable to speak because of it.  His eyes were glazed, and his face was swollen to the point where one eye was swollen shut.  He was unable to see out of the open one, as well.  I was there with my mother and uncle Tommy, and I have to say that I was a bit disconcerted with how he was doing.  He was semi-with it, though, and was able to gesture a bit.  He pointed to his eyes and waved his hand to show he couldn’t see a damn thing, and did the universal “I could use something to drink” gesture, which showed him raising an imaginary glass and tipping it back.  Obviously, that wasn’t a possibilty, and you could see how aggravated he was by being unable to do anything but lay there in pain.  I let him know I was there, but there wasn’t much of a conversation.  Tommy just stood there, patted his arm a few times, and mumbled something.  I actually think PT made more sense, but I digress…

The next day (or maybe 6 hours later – I forget), DJ and I showed up and he looked a LOT better.  He couldn’t talk yet due to the intubation, but he could gesture more coherently, and was even able to write stuff down on a clipboard to communicate.  He could see a bit, which was nice.  Unfortunately, while the nursing staff in the ICU seemed very capable, he got the misfortune to have 2 male nurses assigned to him for the 1st 24 hours.  Their names were Richard and Tomo.  Richard was noticably gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that), and PT was asked by me whether his new liver was requesting Richard’s services, specifically.  I got a pantomimed bitch-slap for that.  Tomo was from some european country, I think, and was a bit more butch.  Since that first day, though, the nursing staff specifically charged with checking in on PT has been a lot more feminine and way cuter.  Although PT wouldn’t mind getting out of there, I’m sure they help make his stay a little better, and they make my visits fun, too.

 The usual routine for my visits are that I call before I leave to see if PT needs anything other than the usual.  He only had the intubation tube for 2 days) I always go to the nearby store and pick him up a newspaper.  Sometimes he asks for a Sprite, sometimes  other things like VHS tapes.  While the ICU rooms don’t provide cable, they wheeled a tv/vcr combo into his room.  It has an antenna that lets him pick up a slightly fuzzy NBC feed, as well as a fuzzier PBS feed.  That’s about it.  I brought it some classic movies that he still had VHS copies of, and this apparently made him popular in the ICU.  Nurses sometimes come in to watch with him, and other patients with similar tv set-ups have borrowed a few.  I drive the 10-15 minute trip, pull into the parking garage, and make my way to floor 3.  While the posted visiting hours are pretty strict for the ICU (they have 10-10:30AM, 2-2:20 PM, and 8-8:30 ONLY), I usually stay longer.  Apparently PT’s nurses are more easy-going about this, or maybe someone pulled a string.  I usually just go back to his room whenever I get there instead of waiting till 8, and then hanging out until at least 9.  For the first few times, I had to wear gloves and a face mask, but now they just ask that I wash my hands.

PT’s been recovering fast, though.  In fact, the docs/nurses are surprised by how fast.  Soon after the surgery (and re-surgery, although it was minor – some connections weren’t tight enough, apparently), I got a call around 1AM.  It was PT telling me, “I took a shit!”  I wasn’t sure what else to say but “Congratulations,” but evidentally this happened well ahead of schedule.  The nurses actually didn’t believe him when he said he felt the need, but he proved them wrong.  What I find amazing, is that he did this while 2 female nurses were in the room doing their thing.  I can’t even piss at a urinal with some due nearby, so I couldn’t imagine pooping with 2 strange women in the same room.  He informed me that through this whole process, modesty has pretty much gone out the window.  

Other than that, not a whole lot’s going on.  I feel slightly better and more accustomed to spending so much time away from home, but I still hate being away from everything.  I actually need to figure out what I’m doing for Easter tommo….today.  I think my mom is doing dinner at her place, but I’d feel bad about leaving PT.  I could maybe visit him in the afternoon, then head home, then head back to Pittsburgh later or the next day.  Thing is, I don’t know if I really feel like driving that much in so short a time.  PT said he wouldn’t feel slighted by any means if I went home, but I’m just not so sure what I want to do.  Hopefully I’ll figure it out soon, as it’s already technically Easter.  To celebrate and explain my post title, here’s a pic:


I’m probably going to hell for laughing at that.

Updates, Regis Philbin, and PT’s big gay liver

March 14, 2008

So…I suppose I should update from that last post.  Long story short – we got in to the hospital around 2 or 3am.  I loaded PT up in a wheelchair for easier mobility (he can walk around, but steps and long trips tire him out) and wheeled him up to his usual floor.  The nursing staff was a skeleton crew, and one of them followed us into the room.  I was attempting to maneuver the chair past some hospital equipment, and the nurse behind me commented that she could never have fit through there, since she sucks at driving those.  I laughed, got him in the room, and then stepped aside so she could move past me.  She kinda looked familiar, so I looked down at her name tag.  Her name was Kathy.  Kathy, Kathy….oh shit.

 “Kathy?”  She looked up, got a better look, and exclaimed, “Jeremy!” She then gave me a big hug.  At this point, PT and DJ were a little confused.  Why was I hugging some random nurse?  She then turned to them and explained, “Jeremy and I go way back!  In fact, he’s the only guy, other than my husband, who I’ve let in the bathroom while I take a shower!”  The guys were kinda lost for words at this point, and I guess I don’t blame them since so was I.  See, Kathy was an old friend from back when I went to college in Erie.  She and I never dated or anything, but she was obviously comfortable with me.  I used to “serenade” her with Beastie Boys lyrics, actually.  It probably wasn’t flattering, but she laughed.  I changed the lyrics to “She’s Crafty” to “She’s Kathy.” 

She’s Kathy, she gets around

She’s Kathy, she’s always down

She’s Kathy, she’s got a gripe

She’s Kathy, and she’s just my type – she’s Kathyyyyyy….

Evidentally she had been trying to get a hold of me for some time, especially to be at her wedding, but she said none of my fraternity brothers knew how to do so.  I explained that I don’t really like them, so I wasn’t updating my info.  Anyhow, she got my email and #, and seemed happy.  I was still in shock, but I guess I’ll write back if she does.  I’m weird about getting back into contact with people from my long-lost past, but if it doesn’t creep me out too much then I guess I’m ok with it.  I wish I could explain that better, but I don’t care to try.

 We hung around in the hospital until about 7:30am.  PT got taken down for dialysis, so DJ and I went back to PT’s.  I planned on passing out, as I had yet to sleep.  I figured I’d get a call when PT was done, then go back in and wait for the surgery.  Well, it seems that the liver they found wasn’t suitable, so it didn’t happen.  I guess the guy was too fat, and the liver wasn’t acceptable.  PT seemed kinda down about it, but managed a decent demeanor.

That brings us to today.  PT got a call and there’s a new liver waiting in D.C.  They’re harvesting it, and shipping it to Pittsburgh.  It’s actually a younger liver – the guy who had it was only 26.   He was also gay, had a life partner, and everything.  PT told me that he was told that they checked it out thoroughly, and it seemed clean.  As PT put it, “No HIV, Hep C, or anything resulting from improper anal penetration.”  If so, this is a good thing since most livers that get donated are usually by older folks.   Unless the docs see something visually wrong with it that wouldn’t show in blood tests, it’s his.  I guess we go into the hospital in a few hours.  I’m sure once everything is said and done, the gender preference of his liver will be the source of a few jokes, but I’ll probably wait until it’s safely hooked up before I start in on that.

In non-liver-related news, I went out to the casino in Chester, WV the other night (the 6th) with my mother and sister.  The 28th of February was my mom’s birthday, but she had mentioned a while back that there was a concert she wanted to see.  It was Regis Philbin and Don Rickles.  I don’t know about you, but that just seems like a ridiculous combo.  Whatever – I got the tickets and we planned on going.  I only got 2, though.  I had no desire to see it, and wanted to ship my mom off with whoever while I went to play poker.  Since her friend Deb didn’t go, my sister got stuck having to tag along.  We made the drive in – they picked me up at PT’s, and wow did it suck.  The last 15 miles or so into the casino is this depressing, dead area that had absolutely nothing around it.  It was all a 25 mph road, too, so it took forever.  We parked, and were of course running late.  It was weird – I could actually make out Regis’ voice singing…something.  I picked up the tickets, handed them off, and had the ticket girls call me a shuttle bus to take me to the poker room.  I was impressed – it was huge, compared to a lot of the rooms I had seen in Vegas.  I put my name on the $2-$4 limit hold’em table (structured betting increments – no like “no limit”) and put my name as well on an “interest” list for $3-$6 omaha hi-lo.  My limit HE table opened up relatively quickly, so I bought in for $80 and sat down.

 Something that seems weird to me – I have no problem at all buying in for that much, and playing, yet I get uncomfortable buying in for anything more than a $5 tournament online.  In online cash games, I play low limits, and rarely sit with more than $10.  I’m not sure why that it.  The game was a good one, too.  By that, I mean that I felt really comfortable.  There was only one guy who worried me, and he sat on my right.  That meant I always had position on him.  He played almost anything in late position, and if he bet then he usually had a great hand.  I waited for the big blind, and got 10,9.  I checked my option, and the flop was 10,10, J.  Whee!  I check-called the flop, check-raised the turn, and got someone to call me on the river as well.  I loved this table since people rarely, if ever, raised preflop.  Most of them, if they did raise, you could easily put them on a hand like AA, AK, KK, QQ, or even JJ.  I felt like I was a better post-flop player than most, so I liked being able to get in cheaply and out-play people.  Some of the guys to my left were kinda bad, and they liked trying to predict everyone else’s hand.  When I had the above-mentioned 10,9 they asked, “You had a jack, huh?  Ace jack?”  I just smiled and raked the chips.  I was in a pot with one of those guys and had a pair of 3’s.  The board was something like 8,7,2 and he bet.  I didn’t like it, but there were a few callers so there was a lot of $ in the pot.  I just called.  The turn was a jack, maybe, and everyone checked.  Fine by me.  The river was a 3, which gave me 3 of a kind.  The guy on my left bet, got called, and I raised.  The guy agonized, then called me with A7.  He asked, “You paired your jacks, didn’t you?”  I smiled and said, “Nope.”  At this point, he started to smile as he thought he was good, but I flipped my cards over and said, “I got something better.”  He didn’t like that a whole lot, but it was his fault for giving me a free turn card.

There was a few other hands, and I got lucky on a couple.  I won’t go into too much detail due to time constraints.  Later, my mother and sister found me and commented that Regis was ok, but Don Rickles had them crying.  My mom probably had a drink or 2 in her, and thought she should try poker.  I said, “I am sure the entire table would LOVE to have you sit down.”  She sucks.  Bad.  She sat down and ordered a glass of wine.  Before that was done, she had another on the way.  I didn’t mind having her to my left, and mentioned, “You know, i’ve often told people that I’d check-raise my own mother on the river – now I might get my chance!”  The table laughed at this.  She then asked me, “So you’re gonna help me, right?” 

“Uhm…no.  I’m not allowed.  Just ask the dealer if you don’t know what amount to call or something, but you’re on your own.”  She didn’t realize that one player helping another during a hand might be slightly improper, I guess.  I think she won a total of one pot while she was there.  i think she sat for an hour, hour and a half, and lost $160.  Yes…one hundred and sixty dollars.  In $2-$4 LIMIT poker.  That’s just horrible.  She would do things like call with 3,5 of hearts, raise when 10,10,j hit the board (2 hearts on board), call 2 bets on the turn, then raise on the river when she hit a flush, when one of the solid players (guy on my right) showed strength the entire time.  He flopped a full house, and she was more than happy to pay him off.  She later observed that some crackhead that liked to bulldoze pots with mediocre hands was “buying pots” so she thought she should, too.  She ended up trying to RERAISE him on the river with 9-high.  She didn’t realize he wasn’t folding any hand, especially when there was a good amount of $ in the pot and she can only reraise someone $4 at a time.

 My sister also sat down, pregnant stomach and all.  She only bought in for $20, unlike the $100 that my mom brought.  The dude on my right commented that she was “playing for 2.”  He then thought maybe he offended me, so he said, “sorry.”  I laughed and said, “I call her ‘Prego’ all the time, so don’t worry about it.”  She won a pot off of my mom, but other than that?  She didn’t last long.

My mother, being a home game-only player, doesn’t realize how she needs to peek at her cards.  She would hold them up about a foot or 2 away from her face off of the table.  If I had glanced to the left, I could have easily seen them, and kept trying to tell her so.  She just said, “Well quit looking!  Look at him!  He’s cute!” and pointed to the dude on my right.  Great – the guy I had been chatting with probably now wondered if I had been hitting on him.  I said, “Um – he’s not my type (no offense)”  Later, the dealer chastised her a few times for not having her cards on the table like everyone else, so she started to listen.  You’re supposed to overlap your cards slightly, cup your hands around them, bend towards them, and pick up the corners to see what you have.  It’s then customary to put a chip or something over them and then make your decision.  It takes some getting used to at first, but it’s not all that hard.  People that don’t do this risk being labeled as a “noob” and thus – easy pickings.

Towards the end of her cash donating, she overheard the $2-$5 no limit table near us.  One of the guys was loud and mentioned that women had no place at the no-limit table.  She then decided that she would love to go over to spoil his fun.  Luckily, she didn’t, as her losses would be astronomical.

One dude at the table looked familiar, so I asked him where he was from.  He named a place 20 miles away from where I live, and my mom said, “Oh – he’s a homie!”  At this, several of the black guys from a nearby table peaked over their shoulders at her, while I covered my face.  I tried to explain that people could take that differently, but she didn’t “get it.”

I could go more into detail about the ride home, and how I tried to convince my mother that I was 1/8th black, myself, but time is wasting – gotta run. 

It’s go-time….

March 8, 2008

PT just got a call from the hospital at 1am.  Seems there’s a liver, but it may or may not be for him.  Someone else in line might not be able to use it, and if so, PT’s getting it.  He’ll be admitted tonight either way, so I’ll be taking him in soon.  This exact scenario happened earlier in the week, when he was still admitted, so I guess this is standard.  THAT guy used it, though.

Wish us luck….

Where things stand, and temporary relocation

March 6, 2008

As I type this, I’m currently down at PT’s place in Pittsburgh.  I guess his new liver is imminent, as he would have gotten one a few days ago, had the guy above him on the last been incompatible with it.  Since all the hospital was really doing was charging him rent until the liver came, they agreed to release him as long as someone would be able to be with him should anything change, and to be able to drive him to things like his tri-weekly dialysis appointments.  This is where I come in.  I packed enough clothes to last me for a while, and between me and his friend DJ, we’re pretty much going to be around him 24/7. 

 I suppose I’m being petty, but I know it’s going to be driving me nuts after all too long.  I already miss my nook at home, with all of my stuff.  Obviously I have internet here, and can still remain in contact with the outside world, but I guess I just feel really uncomfortable knowing that I could be here for a while.  And then I realize that things are 100x worse for PT, so then I just start to feel guilty…either way, I’m still doing whatever he needs done, and that isn’t so bad.  He’s a bit cranky, though, not only with the medical issues, but the fact that his friends had cleaners come by his place and now he can’t find a ton of things.  He keeps going on about how they left 2 blankets worth $25 each, yet they tossed away a $500 duvet.  If I knew what that was, I’d sympathize more.  I guess it’s a pretentious blanket. 

 Tomorrow I’ll be heading into Wheeling, WV with my mother and sister.  The 28th was my mom’s birthday, so we’re taking her to a concert at the casino in Wheeling.  The concert is probably one of the weirdest combos ever.  It’s Don Rickles…and Regis Philbin.  I bought 2 tickets and then suckered my sister into going while I go play cards.  She’s probably going to fight me over who sees the concert, with the loser having to go.  My poker game has been ok, lately.  I’m not doing so well in large tournaments, and I keep busting right before we make the money.  That’s called bubbling, and it sucks balls.  The ice skater is still around, although she’s ONCE AGAIN pissed off.  It goes in cycles – she gets all huffy, then hangs up in mid conversation, and refuses to make contact again.  For me, being hung up on is one of my top 3 pet peeves, so I refuse to get a hold of her.  If she hangs up on me, she can fucking rot for all I care.  This time, she just logged off on me, so it’s tricky to judge.  It began when she slipped up and mentioned that she is paying some dude to mentor her at poker.  I was instantly curious to hear details, as this was the same girl that just LAST NIGHT told me sincerely that the best way for anyone to learn the game of poker is to learn by playing.  Books or any other method are unnecessary.  So yeah – I wanted to hear why the complete 180, to where she thinks it’s a good idea to actually pay someone for lessons.  She became instantly evasive, which of course irritated me and got me even more curious.  Why hide the details?  She finally told me that she was paying a guy friend of hers $20 an hour, and while she just started doing this yesterday, she and he had discussed the idea for a while, now.

Yeah.  Didn’t make sense to me, either – especially with the conversation from last night in my head.  So I kept asking questions, all the while taking great care not to comment one way or  another as to if I approved or not.  She assumed I hated the idea, even though I never made a comment that would confirm or support that point of view.  Here’s the tail end of the conversation we had:

xxx: i think it is a good move
doox: ok then
xxx: therefore
xxx: it is a good move
xxx: i wouldnt work with him if i didnt think i could get anything from him
doox: good luck with it then
xxx: and im pretty sure i can improve my game by working with him since he is a master of online poker playing
doox: you don’t have to justify yourself – my opinion is unnecessary
xxx: this is how i came to my results of working with him
doox: ok
xxx: and he doesnt offer this to many people
xxx: he watches people
xxx: he doesnt look for rich suckers with no brains
xxx: he dumped midnight cuz he was too stupid
xxx: hehe
doox: ok
xxx: fuck i just folded a hand i wanted to play
xxx: this is why i cant do this while in a game
doox: don’t blame me – i told you 5 minutes ago that i had yet to give my opinion and wasn’t asking you to justify yourself.  i’ll log off so i don’t get further blame
xxx: nice jealous reaction
xxx: ffs (stands for “for fucks sake”)
xxx: whatever (she logs off, here)
doox: don’t tell me what it is – i’m refusing to be blamed
doox: that’s your interpretation, not mine

If you’re confused, she blamed me for her missing out on a hand that she folded.  Even though I was clearly not trying to actively continue the topic.  I kept my feelings to myself, but I definitely wanted to hear the details.  I’ll continue to keep my opinion to myself on the topic, as the only 2 people that read this don’t play poker, so it doesn’t really matter.  I copy/pasted this and emailed it to her as well, so that she could read it after she predictably flamed out of her tournament.   I refuse to be the scapegoat for her results, as it’s clear her inability to control her emotions is her biggest downfall at the poker table.  I went out of my way to not be opionated on this, as I knew she’d get pissy, defensive (as she obviously did by her constant need to justify herself), and then blame me for her mistakes.  The ball is in her court – I’m too preoccupied with other shit to lose sleep over it, and I’m no longer willing to settle for the constant blow-up, cold war, reconnect cycle that keeps repeating itself.  That’s pushed me to the point where it’s easier to get along with her than to deal with the roller coaster. 

Anyways, i’m going to finish up the game I’m in (57th out of 122 left.  468 signed up and 63 get paid.  I fully plan on doing my best, but past history shows that I end up taking a bad beat and then get whittled down to nothing, eventually busting out within inches of the payout) and head to bed – I gotta be up in the morning to get PT to his appointment.  To close this emo-filled bitch-fest that is sure to cause more angst if the skater ever remembers how to find the blog link, here’s an awesome collection or 2 of GI Joe PSA’s.  Remember that cartoon?  They used to do PSA’s where cartoon kids were in certain “bad” situations, and would have the Joe’s come by and help them out, then give them valuable life lessons.  Some geniuses have taken those PSA’s and dubbed over them.  The results are some of the funniest, most random shit ever.  (I dare you not to bust out laughing at “pork chop sandwiches!)


and part 2: