It’s go-time….

PT just got a call from the hospital at 1am.  Seems there’s a liver, but it may or may not be for him.  Someone else in line might not be able to use it, and if so, PT’s getting it.  He’ll be admitted tonight either way, so I’ll be taking him in soon.  This exact scenario happened earlier in the week, when he was still admitted, so I guess this is standard.  THAT guy used it, though.

Wish us luck….

2 Responses to “It’s go-time….”

  1. Jen Says:

    That’s awfully scary. I hope that PT gets to use it, but even more than that, I hope he doesn’t reject it. Good luck to everyone – hopefully happy thoughts count for something in the karma rankings.

  2. doox Says:

    Thanks Jen – I just woke up after being up all night in the hospital. Turned out that the liver wasn’t going to work out. He’s disappointed, but at least glad he’s back home. I might go more into detail later about it, in another entry. Thanks for the well wishes though.

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